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The Village of Queets is located on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, in the northwest corner of the Quinault Indian Reservation. It is just off of Highway 101, near the mouth of the Queets River.


The Pacific Ocean and the Queets River have been a central part of Queets culture since time immemorial. Queets people are skilled fishers, clam diggers, and hunters. Fishing especially is a tradition that is passed down from generation to generation.


Our residents rely primarily on the Queets River for their livelihood like all salmon in the Queets and Quinault watersheds, its population has been declining since the 1950s.

Figure6. Highway 101.jpg
Figure9. Hemlock, cedar, spruce and Doug

Queets Custom

Although the primary means of earning a living in Queets has been fishing, we understand how forces beyond our control influence the fish runs year to year and consequently, our livelihood. Many residents seek outside employment to supplement our income during the offseason. Jobs are a top community need.


It is with this understanding that Queets Custom has risen. As both a source of pride and economic development, Queets Custom offers a launch site for future community growth in the small and 


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